
About us

Martin's passion for information technology was ignited at the age of 13. This was triggered when his parents deleted one of his favorite games from the family computer. Driven by the goal to gain a comprehensive understanding of the computer system and the associated programming languages to restore the game, Martin from then on dedicated every free minute to studying computer literature in the library and practically applying what he learned on the computer.

This deep dive into the world of IT quickly piqued his interest in IT security. Already at the age of 14, he began to inform Swiss companies about security vulnerabilities he identified. He also identified critical vulnerabilities in globally used software products and worked with the manufacturers to develop solutions. Consequently, Martin deepened his knowledge through extensive further education in the fields of IT security engineering and security analyses.

In addition to his personal commitment in the field of computer security, he brings a solid professional education as a computer scientist, complemented by various industry-recognized certificates and a Master's degree in information security. After gaining several years of experience as a security engineer, analyst, and consultant, he specialized as an expert in the security of applications and infrastructures. He has now been fulfilling this role with expertise and dedication for over twelve years.

Our values

  • The landscape of cybersecurity is constantly changing. We commit ourselves to continuous research and development to keep pace with the latest threats and to offer innovative security solutions.
  • We recognize the importance of our work in protecting society from cyber threats and act responsibly towards the community and the environment.
  • We promote the continuous education and development of our employees to ensure they are experts up to date with the latest technology and best practices in the field of cybersecurity.
  • We conduct independent and neutral IT security investigations.
  • We always act ethically and transparently, both in our internal processes and in our interactions with customers and partners.
  • The security and protection of our customers' data are our top priority. We strive to earn and maintain our customers' trust through constant reliability and discretion.